Wrestling Mayhem Show

Mad Mike Reviews TNA: Turkey Not Allowed

Greetings Mayhemmers, since I’m the guy who watches TNA the most as the main hosts on this show, but we never seem to talk about it (mainly because it sucks) I decided to at least use my journalistic integrity and live blog about it each week. This will be written live as I watch Impact, so enjoy!

Segment 1: Recrap, Angle segment

Segment 2: Eric Young segment, tag team recrap, Match 1: Racism America Vs. Red/Blue

Segment 3: Karen segment

Segment 4: Knockouts segment

Segment 5: Match 2: Thanksgiving Thong Thunder….yup

Segment 6: Labia Throwdown continues

Segment 7: Lingerie segment with Karen. Jeff segment

Segment 8:Turkey recrap, Match 3: Robbie VS EY

Segment 9: EY segment, Match 4: Eight Man Tag

Segment 10: Match cont.

TNHate Scale for this week:

Logic: 1.5 Russos out of 5

Wrestling: 2.5 Russos out of 5

Overall 4 Russos out of 10



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