“Neon Ninja” Facade visits Toonseum!
We here at Sorgatron Media are huge fans of the Toonseum! We’ve attended every event we can, and have been honored to have Toonseum as a venue and benefactor of Chachi Plays for Kids for several years.
Beyond that, I am a big fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
So when we heard the Toonseum was celebrating 30 years of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, we had to get our friend of the Wrestling Mayhem Show “Neon Ninja” Facade in on the action!
Check out more with Facade in our latest Indy Mayhem Show interview, or IWC & VOW releases from IndyWrestling.us !
Visit the Toonseum at www.toonseum.org
Follow Facade on Twitter as @1facade