WMS Classic Interview: Nasty Boy Jerry Sags

From Wrestling Mayhem Show 244, November 10, 2010

Mad Mike, WrestleFan2000, DJLunchbox, and Sorg are ready to get Nastycized as we welcome former WWF and WCW tag team champion Jerry Sags to the show! We talk about the state of tag team wrestling, the state of the Nasty Boys, their recent tenure with TNA, and invading Graceland!


Indy Mayhem Show 2: Kelly Kyle


IMS-2---Kelly-KyleIn this episode of Indy Mayhem Show, we talk with Kelly Kyle, photographer across Texas indy wrestling as he talks with us about how he got into wrestling photography, tells stories about encounters with Nasty Boy Jerry Sags and Ted Dibiase, and more.

We also talk about Renegade Wrestling Alliance form the weekend, upcoming events, and the first Indy Challenge playlist is up!