Wrestling Mayhem Show

Calls from Mayhemers: Big Freaky Says Go to Cleveland

As we talked about back on WMS 199, we get these voicemails that are sometimes too long to be listening to on the show.  Big Freaky has been a regular caller for quite a few weeks, so we wanted to make sure to give him his time.

In response, we will be trying to keep a closer eye on Chikara. If you’re not aware of it, Chikara has a great Podcast to see exactly what they’re about first hand. And yes, plans willing, maybe you’ll see some Mayhemers up there.

As for the timeliness of our Indie coverage, we agree about the advance planning for these shows, and have been working to expand our coverage for several months. We run into a few issues.

  1. If we covered all of the Indie promotions we wanted to as far out as this Cleveland Chikara show is, we’d spend far too long just covering the dates every week.  Basically, we hope to give as good of a glimpse as possible into these groups so that our fans can discover and follow them as well.  The ease of this can vary depending on the talent behind the promotion’s web team.
  2. Sometimes, there’s not that much to say about Indies.  If there’s no news, no new matches, etc, it’s just not on our radar.  It’s hard to have a discussion amongst us if only one of us are watching a particular fed.
  3. We are continually approaching talent and will certainly put Chikara talent on the list, as we get familiarized with them.
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