Indy Mayhem Show 71: Frankie Screamz
Frankie Screamz is co-lead singer of Scare Don’t Fear (scaredontfear.net)and creator of the Strong Style Brand (instagram.com/strongstylebrand/) clothing line. We talk with him about his pro wrestling influences, catching some indy wrestling on the road, and so much more!
We discuss the latest upsetting tweets and the state of social media and your “brand” as a pro wrestler or wrestling promotion online.
Check out this oldie but a goodie article on wrestlers on Facebook.
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[…] I couldn’t be a wrestler, but I wanted to be a part of it [so] lets start a clothing line”, said Screamz. Later becoming a fan of WWE and TNA, Screamz counts Combat Zone, Chikara and Hoodslam as pro […]