Wrestling Mayhem Show 224: International Badasses
Sorg, DJLunchbox, Mad Mike, and wrestlefan are back

This week’s special guests include Eric “Butterbean” Esch, who’s well decorated in the world of boxing, MMA, and has history with WWF in Brawl for All. We have the oppurtunity to talk with him about his love for knocking out wrestlers, what it was like to knock out Johnny Knoxville on Jackass,
Then “International Badass” Sterling James Keenan returns to the show as we discuss how things are going at FNW’s new venue in Cheswick, PA, his upcoming match in AIW for the vacant title against Facade, Gargano, and Mercer, his thoughts on (potential opponent Sunday) Bryan Danielson, MMA prospects, and a special message to Kurt Angle.
Both Butterbean and Sterling James Keenan will be squaring of Friday, June 25 at the Ches-A-Rena in Cheswick, PA. You can find more information at Far North Wrestling’s web site, and for Mayhemers not in the Pittsburgh area, the event will be taped for DVD!
This is Episode 224 for Tuesday, June 22, 2010. You can get the episode here on Talkshoe, Blip.tv subscribe to the audioor video versions iTunes, look us up on Youtube, Roku, or Boxee, and as always, stay tuned towww.wrestlingmayhemshow.comfor the latest! The Wrestling Mayhem Show is recorded live and can be heard/viewed from 8 PM to 10 PM Eastern on Talkshoe.com and Ustream.tv. Let us know what you think of the show, and your thoughts on the wrestling world by emailing us at [email protected]! Don’t forget you can find links related to the show’s news stories and more at our Delicious Links Page for Episode 224!
This week’s Audible Pick: “Batman and Philosophy: The Dark Knight of the Soul” by Mark D. White, Robert Arp Get this book free at www.audiblepodcast.com/sorgatronmedia
WMS Gold Bonus Content: This week, we have some between segment, halftime fun, learn about some of the lead up to our interviews via our intern, and get Gaga. Not on Gold? iPhone users can pick up the app right here!
Featured Music on this show:
USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker)
“2 15/16” (mp3)
from “Welding the C:/”
(Smashing World Records)
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