Wrestling Mayhem Show 383: Pad Thai Deathmatch

- What did everyone think of the finish to SummerSlam?
- Another poem is read by Eamon.
- It looks like RVD will be next in line for the heavyweight championship.
- What is next for the Wyatts? Will Kane join them?
- Will Daniel Bryan face Randy Orton next? The cast discusses.
- Join our mailing list on sorgatronmedia.com, you can win a wrestling DVD!
- Check out our interview with Mike Kingston of Headlocked! Donate to his campaign!
- In the indy minute this week, Eamon talks about several events happening soon. A new Shine event will be taking place shortly, also a few IPPVs are coming up with Wrestling is Fun (August 24th) and Wrestling is Cool (August 25th). $5 Dollar Wrestling will be having a show soon. Inspire Pro will be having their show September 1st and IWC will be around the Pittsburgh and West Virginia areas doing some shows.
- Remember When? We take a look back at our favorite Corporation or Evolution moments. Sorg remembered enjoying when Vince McMahon helped form the Corporate Ministry./ Eamon remembered liking Evolution’s Triple H and his feud with Eugene, as well as Randy Orton’s ascension in Evolution./ Rizz had fond memories of Gerald Brisco and Pat Patterson as the corporate stooges, as well as DX imitating the corporation./ DJ Lunchbox’s favorite memory is when Batista broke away from Evolution.
- Mad Mike has a minute of mayhem! Check out what he is ranting about.
- We talk about the internet wrestling community and what we think it actually is.
- Eamon and Rizz join forces to cover WWE14’s Wrestlemania roster reveal! What did they think of it? Find out! See even more on insertcointobegin.com !
- The crew talks about Ric Flair’s recent drunk moment.
- Darren Young came out recently. Will this change his career’s direction at all?
- The cast talks about social issues being placed into wrestling storylines.
- What did we learn from wrestling this week?
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And catch up with emails and links in the show notes!
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