Wrestling Mayhem Show 399: Ask Stone Cold Claus
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 399, we have our Holiday cast featuring DJ Lunchbox (@djlunchbox), Eamon (@eamon2please), Rizz (@theerizz), Bobby (@bobbyfjtown), Mad Mike (@madmike4883), Jessica (@legkicktko), Wheelz (@hotwheelzrwa) Matt Carlins, Alexander Kahrs(@alexanderkahrs), Mike Sorg (@sorgatron) and some surprise guests! On this weeks show:
- DJ Lunchbox raps to open up the show.
- Is Vicki looking good? We discuss!
- We talk if Solomon Crowe’s gimmick will work out.
- The cast in ONE sentence answers if the AJ Styles situation is a work and how it could change TNA moving forward.
- The cast discusses if there will be a unified champion after the TLC PPV.
- We have an indy minute featuring : IWC Wrestling this weekend in Elizabeth, PA. featuring Matt Striker and Colt Cabana. We also talk some National Pro Wrestling Day which is going to be around near the beginning of the new year.
- We remember great RAW endings!
- We look back at predictions we made last year and make some new ones for the year ahead!
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