Wrestling Mayhem Show 708: What the Mania?
This week’s episode brought to you by Indy Wrestling US, Slice on Broadway, and Sidekick Media Services.
“One Cool Cat” Justin Idol and his cool cats join the show as we get back to the wrestling chat, including:
- Justin Idol isn’t up on WWE, so we play, WrestleMania or Mayhem Mania with the matches!
- What are we excited about in this peculiar pre-taped empty arena stage for WrestleMania
- We chat with Idol about the new social media efforts for Renegade Wrestling Alliance and trying to use Tik Tok
- Big Question: What wrestler would you like to be quarantined with? (don’t be creepy)
- We touch base on the fallout from Mayhem Mania with Matt Carlins
- What did you learn from pro wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Justin Idol, Ronnie Starks (@starkswrestling), Hotwheelz (@hotwheelzrwa) Sorg (@Sorgatron), Mainstream Matt (@MainstreamMat) and Mad Mike (@MadMike4883)
If you are in Pittsburgh, you’ve got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
**A special shout out to our Manager Level Patreon supporters Occupy Pro Wrestling (@power2thesmarks), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), and Farnsworth Investments (@jworth)**
You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow! Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!
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Thanks to Basick Sickness (@basicksickness) for the awesome intro for the show.
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