Wrestling Mayhem Show 761: Rain Delay
This week’s episode brought to you by Indy Wrestling US, Slice on Broadway, Just Pro Wrestling News, Sidekick Media Services and listeners like you at www.patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow
Bad Bubba Brewer joins the show to talk fallout from WrestleMania, NXT Takeover Stand and Deliver, rain delays, and more with Ronnie Starks, Mad Mike and Sorg.
- Rain Delay Mayhem Show leads to Macho Mad Mike and the Bubster facing off!
- We look at favorite moments from WrestleMania
- Bubba Brewer talks
- We look back at last week’s homework: Samoa Joe vs Bobby Lashley from Impact Wrestling Slammiversary 2014! Watch it on Youtube!
- NEW HOMEWORK! Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe (TNA Genesis 2006)! Watch it on Youtube!
- What did you learn from wrestling this week?
If you are in Pittsburgh, you’ve got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
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**A special shout out to our Manager Level Patreon supporter Farnsworth Investments (@jworth), Bradley Ruthers (@HeelBradley), Rizz Plays Games on Twitch, Tina Keys (@sapphieangel008), Bobbyfjtown (@Bobbyfjtown), Bodiggity, Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), and www.OccupyProWrestling.com ! **
You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow! Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!
Thanks to Basick Sickness (@basicksickness) for the awesome intro for the show.
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