Indy Mayhem Show 110: MaxXouT
This week on Indy Mayhem Show 110, Sorg is joined by MaxXouT to talk about filming the music video for their single “Kayfabe,” their love of wrestling, Virgil stories from the video shoot and more!
Eamon Paton (@Eamon2Please) and Michael Sorg (@sorgatron) discuss the state of women’s wrestling in light of International Women’s Day 2016 and preview IWC Fifteen.
Share your feelings on indy wrestling and tell us who we should talk to on the show via e-mail at [email protected]
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com/Twitter: @pgh_slice)
Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!