Wrestling Mayhem Show

Mad Mike Reviews TNA: You’ve Ruined It!!!

tna impact wrestling

Greetings Mayhemmers, we are in living in a post-Slammiversary world. A world where Taryn Terrell and Gail Kim had perhaps the high point of a pay-per-view, as odd as that sounds. And oh yeah…..Sting….yadda yadda yadda…..Aces…..blah blah….let’s go!

Segment 1: Recrap, Bully segment, Churro segment

Segment 2: TNA Shop commercial, Match 1: BFG Qualifier Churro Vs. Hernandez, Rampage walking

Segment 3: Devon segment

Segment 4: Hunt for Abyss segment, Match 2: BFG Qualifier Robbie E Vs. Joekozuna

Segment 5: Mickie segment, Kurt package

Segment 6: Rampage segment

Segment 7: Clubhouse segment, Match 3: Sabin and ATF Vs. King Super Heels

Segment 8: Monster Hunters, Taryn segment, Match 4: Mickie Vs. Taeler, Monster Hunters 3

Segment 9: Sting tweets, Match 5: Hammer time Hardy Vs. Bully

Segment 10: Match cont

TNH8 Scale

Wrestling: 3.5 Laganas out of 5, ladder match and six man were good but nothing we haven’t seen before

Logic: 4.5 Laganas out of 5, nothing really to complain about except no build for AJ

Overall: 8 Laganas out of 10

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