Mad Mike Reviews Total Divas: Wedding Fever!!!
Better late than never, I’m reviewing the mid season finale of this show. Keep in mind, I just watched Impact…so I might be a tad surly.
Segment 1
- Before I get into this, I feel bad for Nattie because her cat passed away today
- Who brings a dress to someone days before the wedding using white chair covers for weddings, especially presumable a mom goes with a bride to pick out the dress
- Hahahahahahaha Vagina Rose!!
- Valets should technically do a lot more than that Eva
- Jojo just said Eva has big tits…no idea what she means
Cool to see that Cena is so carefree about saying his brother is gay
Segment 2
- Hey Nikki maybe that’s why you shouldn’t fucking wear flip flops when you are on crutches
- Cameron….that man is your fucking boss, stop being a fucking child
- Natalya….dope wrestler
- Jojo…you have already been on TV, and you fucked it all up
- If I were Nikki I’d have gone to the wedding, you can always meet family in increments
- Jojo is being a spoiled 19 year old brat, does she forget that she was already on TV?
Segment 3
- Eva believes that a prayer about her not showing off her panties is appropriate
- If Nattie applies a sharpshooter on Brie in her wedding dress, that’d be the best reception ever
- Cameron probably just has to take a big shit
Segment 4
- God first Cameron had a UTI and a yeast infection, not she’s got more lady problems
- Eva…you and JoJo should fucking WATCH WRESTLING
- I’ve seen them “train” together once
Segment 5
- Nattie what did you expect with an outdoor wedding in Florida…it rains all the time there
- Eva…what the fuck are you wearing to a God damned wedding?!!?!
- Nattie how do you not expect Cameron to bring her plus one?
- Johnny Fabulous!!!!!
- Wow…fantastic Stewie impression by John’s gay brother
- Bryan is the only mother fucker to dress down for the wedding, I love it
- Way to dress up Jaret…I mean come on, don’t try to our D-Bry D-Bry
- Totally not bad luck for a groom to see the bride before the wedding
Segment 6
- Nattie totally brought this on herself FYI
- Sandow needs to host my eventual wedding please
- Ok Jon Uso is dressed way more casually
- Wow…Nattie is carrying her cat down the aisle…this is fucking pathetic
- I’m waiting for this minister to tear off his mask to reveal it’s Eric Bischoff
- Tyson Kidd’s new gimmick needs to be Mr. Wilson from Dennis the Menace
Segment 7
- Sandow is the perfect MC for a wedding
- Um….isn’t Brie already engaged?
- So…WWE put together a Hart Dynasty package
- Nattie you probably shouldn’t dance with that dude at your wedding
- Cena wants Nikki to move in?
See you guys again November 17th
Segment 1.a
- Renee Young!!!!!! OMG this is the best show ever!!!
- I’ve driven a rental car without being able to rent one…just FYI JoJo
- Does “wrestling” mean “sex” or does it mean wrestling?
- Jaret doesn’t know how to wrestle…it definitely means sex
- Oh shit…sorry Cameron, that does really suck if it’s true
- Renee, don’t say “that being said” you are better than that
- Nikki dressed up as a sexy nurse…so that’s a thing
Segment 2.a
- Renee said the surprise guest is explosive, I immediately shouted “IT’S GOTTA BE KANE!!”
- Brie is jealous that Bryan is getting more popular
- Jurdy Uso…wave of the future
- Wow…Cena isn’t even main eventing this show, that’s weird
- “Are you going to propose?” “No.”
- #CenaBurn
- God damn Cena…that was a good speech
- So Jaret is fucking main eventing this show?
Segment 3.a
- Ha the two John/Jon’s left because they actually have things to do
- Hahahahahaaha this is the only time Nikki’s constant talking is fantastic
- Is he the ULTIMATE opportunist?? Jaret should Spear TJ and attack his injured foot
Segment 4.a
- It’s funny to watch the Bellas react to the Summerslam finish
- Nice to see Eva actually training with a ring around
- Thank you Renee Young, please be on all of the Total Divas shows