Mayhem Mania 2016 – Final Round!
This… is… Mayhem Mania! Not quite a game. Not really a contest. More like a competitive thought experiment. The object is to create the best WrestleMania card possible – NOT necessarily to predict what WWE will do.
This is not fantasy booking (even though it kind of is). Any match created must be possible in real life. That means all wrestlers come in their current physical, emotional and contractual state. Anyone selected for a match must have a reasonable chance of being hired by WWE to appear on the real-life WrestleMania card. Simply put, we have to play by the same rules as Vince McMahon.
If you’re just joining us, here are the recaps of previous rounds.
Round 1 – Round 2 – Round 3 – Round 4 – Round 5 – Round 6 – Round 7 – Round 8 – Round 9 – Patreon In The Bank
The spectacular and unpredictable Patreon In The Bank round is history, and the SUPERCARD is set (you can see it by clicking the link above). but there’s always something to fight over in Mayhem Mania. During the final round on the Wrestling Mayhem Show (@MayhemShow) on March 22, seven members of the WMS Universe were invited to fine tune the “undercard”, the eight matches that didn’t GRADUATE. Only one will earn a place on the Mayhem Mania preshow!
This week’s participants had the usual 3 options:
1. SWAP a wrestler/tag team for one already on the card.
2. ADD an unused wrestler/tag team to an existing match.
3. KILL a match AND CREATE an entirely new match with unused wrestlers.
Under the “Alex Kahrs Rule”, both Ed Burke and Alex Kahrs himself got to hand out some “punishment”. This week, it’s a name drawn from The Jar Of The Unloved, which is filled with the names of those main roster wrestlers in WWE whose names have yet to be called during Mayhem Mania 2016. Alex gave it to Eamon. Ed gave it to Mad Mike.
Now, on with the show!
Move 1 (@HotWheelzRWA)
ADD R-Truth to Darren Young vs. Michael Tarver
Move 2 (@TheeRizz)
SWAP Ronda Rousey for Todd Chrisley
Move 3 (@Sorgatron)
ADD Blue Pants to Eva Marie vs. Lana
Move 4 (Antonio Garza – @TheWRevolution)
KILL El Torito vs. Hornswoggle AND CREATE Alex Riley vs. Damien Sandow vs. Fandango vs. Wade Barrett
Move 5 (@MadMike4883)
(*Erick Rowan drawn from The Jar Of The Unloved)
KILL Darren Young vs. Michael Tarver vs. R-Truth AND CREATE Bobby Roode & Eric Young vs. Erick Rowan & Braun Strowman
Move 6 (@Bobbyfjtown)
KILL Snooki & David Arquette & Kevin Federline vs. Todd Chrisley & Stephen Amell & Karl Malone AND CREATE Undertaker vs. Baron Corbin
Move 7 (@Eamon2Please)
(*Jack Swagger drawn from The Jar Of The Unloved)
KILL El Torito vs. Hornswoggle AND CREATE Jack Swagger vs. Tommaso Ciampa
Several players took advantage of their ELIMINATOR, which can banish any name from being used in Mayhem Mania 2016. Garza ELIMINATORED Stephen Amell after Bobby killed his match. Sorgatron ELIMINATORED El Torito after Garza killed his match. Finally, Bobby ELIMINATORED two people, Ronda Rousey and Stephen Amell. There was a lot of backlash to that celebrity match.
With the final moves of the final round now in the books, let’s take a look at the updated “undercard”.
Kennel From Hell Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Austin Aries
(Created by Antonio Garza – @TheWRevolution)
Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch
Presented by “Sunny Side Up”
(Created by @EdBurke37)
Ladder Match for Divas Championship
Paige vs. Asuka vs. Charlotte vs. Bayley
(Created by @MadMike4883)
Chris Jericho vs. Dolph Ziggler
(Created by @Sorgatron)
Erick Rowan & Braun Strowman vs. Bobby Roode & Eric Young
(Created by @MadMike4883)
Lana vs. Eva Marie vs. Blue Pants
(Created by @Sorgatron)
Jack Swagger vs. Tommaso Ciampa
(Created by @Eamon2Please)
Undertaker vs. Baron Corbin
(Created by @Bobbyfjtown)
As mentionted, you will decide which one of these eight matches will get a coveted spot on the Mayhem Mania 2016 preshow. Everyone else will be thrown together into a pointless battle royal. So, head over to the WMS Facebook group and cast your vote for your favorite.
Who was left out of Mayhem Mania that deserved a spot? Is the “undercard” better than the SUPERCARD? Share your feedback with us, and thanks for your support of Mayhem Mania!
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About Author MainstreamMat
Matt Carlins has more than 20 years of experience in journalism and broadcasting. Over that time, he's interviewed some of the biggest names in professional wrestling, including Stephanie McMahon, Bruno Sammartino, Cesaro, Johnny Gargano and Ricochet.
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[…] For reference, you can see the matches up for consideration to the Pre-Show here: http://www.wrestlingmayhemshow.com/mayhem-mania-2016-final-round/ […]
[…] Mayhem Mania 2016 […]