Wrestling Mayhem Show 376: They’re Coming

- We open up with some brief thoughts on Doink The Clown.
- The gang then goes through some e-mails. First, we talk wrestling romances. Sorg chimes in immediately about the fascinating duo of Billy and Chuck. Dj Lunchbox brings up the famous relationships between the Macho Man and Elizabeth and Mark Henry and Mae Young, AJ reminds us of the almost forgotten pair of Marc Mero and Sable (Sorry Brock) and Hot Wheelz closes this e-mail out with the odd coupling of Ric Flair and Woman.
- Eamon briefly possesses Hotwheelz for an indy minute. Eamon talks about the upcoming Inspire Pro card in Austin, Texas. Hotwheelz also promotes an upcoming show.
- AJ brings up some of the issues discussed last week with IPPVs and just the general state of broadcasting wrestling events and events in general.
- Another e-mail ponders who our panel believes and wants to win at the Money in The Bank PPV, with DJ Lunchbox providing a surprise answer!
- Remember when looks back on some moves we have not seen in a while and are starting to be brought back in the fold. This leads to Sorg finding disturbing photos of bearhugs and abdominal stretches online.
- Everyone talks a bit about RAW, which leads to some Mark Henry/Sexual Chocolate talk.
- The War Games DVD mentioned on RAW is brought up, which leads the panel into a lengthy discussion on cage/gimmick matches and there proper placement on PPVs.
- The gang concludes by revealing what they learned. AJ was disappointed in people missing JBL’s Dutch (Mantel) reference on RAW, Hotwheelz learned he is not watching Total Divas and Dj Lunchbox is clearly not a peep.
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