Re-do’s at TV Tapings: Right or Wrong?
I’m not going to lie. I am one that frequents websites to view spoilers for the various wrestling shows that are taped. While many people are against this, I read spoilers for shows that I most likely would not be able to catch during the week, that way if something looks interesting or intriguing, I know to try to catch it later in the week. Recently, I read the results from the latest tapings for the new NXT at Full Sail University in Florida and I noticed something that I have seen various times before when reading spoilers.
Apparently, one of the matches featured at the taping was a tag team match between Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel against The Ascension. Many cited this to be a very entertaining match with all four guys showing a lot. However, later on as the taping progressed, it was noted that all four came back out in order to re-tape the conclusion of the match. Fans in attendance were upset and confused as many felt that the original ending to the match was perfectly fine. This led to fans beginning to chant, “re-shoot” during the second take, and allegedly security members made attempts to try to quiet those fans.
This isn’t something new that has been happening on taped television programs. WWE has also re-taped matches in the past for Friday Night Smackdown, most notably in matches involving Sin Cara. TNA, back when they taped weeks of their show in advance, was also known for reshooting in ring segments involving people like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and many of their other top names. Now in my opinion, if a certain performer is not able to perform a finish or portray a story in a certain way, that should be proof that they should not be placed in front of a television camera yet. If they need to do a segment or finish over again, what will happen when there is a live televised event and there is no chance for a redo. But, there is a much more important problem with this method. While it may be seen by some as appropriate for companies to re-tape parts of their shows in order to obtain a certain end product for television, I feel more sympathetic for fans that are in attendance for these events.
There is no denying that the professional wrestling business has been open wide to fans for many years now, and there is a slim to none chance of maintaining much of kayfabe with mature audiences. However, this may be going a bit too far. I understand that tapings for televised wrestling are different than various other live events, but fans are still fans. Even people from Full Sail University attending NXT tapings are still wrestling fans, the proof is shown in the footage available of the CM Punk/ Seth Rollins vs The Kings Of Wrestling tag team match. Just like any other live wrestling event, fans attend television tapings in order to gain a feeling that they would not have gained through watching it on television. It doesn’t make them any less of wrestling fans and they should still be treated with some form of respect.
I bring up the term respect because this strikingly reminds me of a couple of years ago when TNA received much criticism and disdain for their producers addressing the crowds role in the show, referring to them as “cast members”.
So how is this any different? Isn’t re-taping part of a match after the audience has witnessed it just as disrespectful? I believe that by doing so, you are telling the live attendees that those that will be watching this at home for free are much more important than those who paid a ticket in order to watch this live.
Once again, this is just one wrestling fan’s opinion and I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on this. If you have a comment or thought, send it in to [email protected] and we will address them on the next Wrestling Mayhem Show.