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WMS 224 Preview: Eric “Butterbean” Esch

Coming up next week (Tuesday, June 22, 2010) we will have a live telephone interview with MMA fighter, Eric “Butterbean” Esch.  We’re looking forward to talking about his impressive sports history, including his previous IBA Super-Heavyweight Champion and WAA Heavyweight title, as well as what he’s been doing recently.  With a combined professional fight record of 95 wins (65 knockouts), he is a force to be reckoned with.  On Friday, June 25th, he’ll be taking on Friend of the Show Sterling James Keenan in a Boxer vs Wrestler match for Far North Wrestling at Chesarena in Cheswick, PA.  Tune in next Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EST at https://www.wrestlingmayhemshow.com to ask your questions and to join us for the interview.

Leave your questions and comments for the show at [email protected] or 412-206-WMS0 (412-206-9670)! Join us live, or download the show later on Blip.tv, iTune, Talkshoe, Roku, and other outlets!