Wrestling Mayhem Show 377: #BabyBattleRoyal
On this edition of the Wrestling Mayhem Show, we have Chachi (@chachisays), Bobby (@bobbyfjtown), Mike Sorg (@sorgatron) Mad Mike (@madmike4883) and the shocking return of Eamon (@eamon2please).
Chachi makes a shocking announcement. He is retiring from the show! Is it a work?…Find out!
Up next is some fan mail:
- First DJ Lunchbox offers some talking points: Is Mark Henry’s talking making people forget his in-ring skills? Who will be first to shed blood in the Money In The Bank match? How is Money In The Bank and the Men In Black related?, will Daniel Bryan’s success continue? What will they do with the Wyatt family?
- Mad Mike talks in falsetto to answer a viewer’s e-mail! Was Triple H demeaning to Steph?
- What is the relationship of Curtis Axel, Christian and Edge?
- Mad Mike explains how the Christian entrance accident happened.
- Bobby reads Big PPC’s e-mail. What would be your dream Money In The Bank match?
- The crew talks about their dream Money In The Bank matches.
- Cero writes about the McMahon family civil war, gives props to the Wyatt family and some Money In The Bank predictions.
- Eamon gives an indy minute. He talks about the world title controversy in ROH. The rest of the cast weighs in on the topic.
- Eamon also brings up some local indy shows in the Pittsburgh area, which leads to a Tout from HotWheelz about RWA : Resurrection 4 on July 13th and Eamon and Sorg discuss the IWC Proving Grounds card on the 20th of July.
- Sorg rants about supporting indy wrestling! You should do it!
- Eamon discusses his play by play debut with Inspire Pro!
- Remember When this week discusses the casts favorite ladder related match.
- Mad Mike’s favorite match was TLC: 3 featured on SmackDown!
- Eamon’s favorite is a cruiserweight match from WCW Starrcade 2000
- Bobby’s favorite is Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon at Wrestlemania 10
- Sorg’s favorite was with the Dudleys, Edge and Christian and the Hardy Boyz
- The cast gives their Money In The Bank assessments and predictions
- Mad Mike talks about TNA mistakes, namely poor booking.
- The cast gets into some Sting (not the singer) the cast has a very varied opinion on if he will.should come to WWE.
- Sorg compares Brad Maddox to Steve Carell.
- The cast talks about the Wyatt family debut and they are all impressed.
- The cast tells us what they learned this week!
You can get this episode here on Talkshoe, Blip.tv, subscribe to the audio or video versions on iTunes, look us up on Youtube, Roku, or Boxee, and as always, stay tuned to www.wrestlingmayhemshow.com for the latest! The Wrestling Mayhem Show is recorded live and can be heard/viewed from 8:30 PM to 10 PM Eastern on live.sorgatronmedia.com. Let us know what you think of the show, and your thoughts on the wrestling world by emailing us at [email protected]!
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