Wrestling Mayhem Show 380: Good Times in Small Packages
On the 380th edition of the Wrestling Mayhem Show, we have the knowledgeable cast of DJ Lunchbox (@djlunchbox), Eamon (@eamon2please), fan vote winner Bobby (@bobbyfjtown) and the general manager of the Wrestling Mayhem Show Mike Sorg (@sorgatron).
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- The gang observes a moment of silence for the Dragon Dragon.
- Daniel Bryan and the small package? Who is the next victim?
- A new 24/7 defended title for the modern social media era? The cast discusses this idea.
- DJ Lunchbox drops some rhymes with lyrics provided by @bigppc
- Damien Sandow almost drowns in Texas! WWE gimmicks out Corpus Christi.
- A three way between Bryan, Punk and Cena? Would it make sense? If not Punk, who else would be in it?
- The newly named Battleground ppv. Does the cast like the name?
- In the indy minute this week, Eamon praises Beyond Wrestling’s Americanrana, which is on pre-sale now. In other news, Wrestling is Fun and Wrestling is Cool are doing IPPVs on the 24th and 25th respectively. Lastly, ROH is holding its All Star Extravaganza show in Toronto, Canada on August 3rd.
- Remember When this week features who the cast thought were underrated divas. DJ Lunchbox says Maryse, Bobby goes with Ivory, Sorg says Daffney and Eamon said it was his first crush, Nidia.
- Daniel Bryan-John Cena-The McMahons: Where is that angle going?
- The underdog wrestler. Are they now the new era of wrestling?
- Total Divas: Were we totally into it?
- TNA Talk: More releases, more bad press.
- What did we learn from wrestling? Bobby was not in South America, Eamon learned that WWE catering can be awful, DJ Lunchbox learned that giving Kane a sheep mask can make his gimmick better and Sorg learned there is wrestling for fans that are not wrestling fans.
Make sure to check us out live at 9 PM on live.sorgatronmedia.com and follow us on Twitter @mayhemshow !
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