Wrestling Mayhem Show 415: Susan Lucci = Hulk Hogan
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 415:
- Matt Carlins talks about talking to Bruno Sammartino including:
- His thoughts on Undertaker’s streak ending compared to Sammartino’s loss to Ivan Koloff.
- We talk about the right and wrong ways to talk about professional wrestling/wrestling fans in the mainstream media.
- We talk about the stigma of being a pro wrestling fan.
- Game of Thrones weddings or pro wrestling weddings…which is worse?
- Remember When: Wrestlers with financial issues.
- We talk about the Ultimate Warrior’s death.
- We talk about how the WWE Network has reacted to Ultimate Warrior’s death.
- We talk about the intercontinental title tournament.
- We discuss the fact that Eric Young is TNA heavyweight champion.
- We share what we learned from wrestling this week.
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Follow our cast that manhandles you with the mayhem: Mike Sorg (@sorgatron), DJ Lunchbox (@djlunchbox), Matt Carlins (@mattcarlins),Kate Dudas (@kdudders) , Rizz (@theerizz), Mad Mike (@madmike4883) and more!
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com/Twitter: @pgh_slice)
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