Wrestling Mayhem Show 433: Rise Above Germans
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 433, we talk all the latest headlines and more in pro wrestling, including:
- Discussion about our obsession with WWE Supercard. – 7:50
- Who we want to have beat and who actually will beat Brock Lesnar. – 16:50
- Remember When: High profile squash matches. – 40:45
- Bully Ray possibly leaving TNA. Who could be TNA’s next big star? – 51:36
- Discussion of what Bully Ray’s next move could be.
- A break down of what happened at SummerSlam. – 1:05:00
- What we learned from wrestling.
*times based on video version. May by different after Remember When on audio
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Cover image source: http://imgur.com/KAacGmm