Wrestling Mayhem Show 451: She-Stan Stansky
This week on Wrestling Mayhem Show 451, we talk all the latest headlines and more in pro wrestling, including:
- Mad Mike telling us about the Wrestle Kingdom 9 PPV. 5:50
- We discuss how Wrestle Kingdom 9 might have impacted American wrestling fans.
- What should “fired” stars like Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan and Ryback do? 17:00
- Discussion on the WWE Immortals game. 20:44
- WWE’s new stipulations in superstar’s contracts. 27:55
- The last Remember When: Favorite Pro Wrestling memories. 29:00
- Justin Plummer discussed the future of IWC. 52:41
- Who is the smartest man in wrestling? 1:02:51
- Which “indy” wrestlers made us change our first thoughts on them. 1:05:28
- TNA Impact talk. 1:12:50
- What we learned from wrestling. 1:28:40
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