Wrestling Mayhem Show 690: Disney+WWE
This week’s episode brought to you by Indy Wrestling US, Slice on Broadway, Sidekick Media Services, and Pittsburgh Wrestling.
We’re trying to distract ourselves from Disney+ long enough to talk pro wrestling…
- We are chatting with Matt Light about opening for Mick Foley at the Pittsburgh Improv November 25
- Fast tracking Bray Wyatt’s The Fiend
- Pro Wrestling Porn is a weird thing that exists
- We talk about Disney+ because it’s new
- Big Question: What Disney remake would you cast a WWE star in?
- Sheetz is the best
- Matt tells about the near wrestling benefits from his battle with cancer
- What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Matt Light (@MattLight) Mad Mike (@madmike4883), Ronnie Starks (@starkswrestling), and Sorg (@Sorgatron).
If you are in Pittsburgh, you’ve got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
**A special shout out to our Manager Level Patreon supporter Occupy Pro Wrestling (@Power2TheSmarks)**
You can support the show at Patreon.com/wrestlingmayhemshow! Go to wrestlingmayhemshow.com for more entertainment!
Check out the Indy Wrestling US Network at www.indywrestling.network. For a short time, get a 7-day FREE trial to access a growing collection of content.
Thanks to Basick Sickness (@basicksickness) for the awesome intro for the show.
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