Mad Mike Reviews Destination X: Bought and Paid For
Okay you guys, the way I see it…this PPV cost me 35 hard earned dollars. There are eight matches on the PPV, if I say that each match is worth 4 bucks and any backstage segments and packages are worth the remaining 5 or so, I fugred that’s a good way to see if this PPV is worth it. So here we go! Dixie Carter is glad that she earned my business, she told me so in a DM on Twitter, I hope I’m proud I bought it.
Opening package
- Nothing outstanding here, probably would have helped with some voice work
- Cost $0.30
Match 1: Last Chance Four Way: Rubix Vs. Darsow Vs. Andrews Vs. Lars
- Nice to hear a “Rubix” chant
- I hope at least two of these dudes gets signed
- I bet they are allowed to make the Demolition reference on PPV but not on Spike
- Holy shit Jigsaw!
- I miss Taz broadcasting…
- I’ll always mark for a good Tower of Doom spot
- Wow Van Jigsawnator
- It’s a shame Jigsaw didn’t win, the crowd was solidly behind him
- Decent match, nothing too spectacular but definitely a worthy four way
- Cost: $4.00
Match 2: Kid Kash Vs. Mason Andrews
- I love that there was literally no break in between this
- It bothers me that the tron above the crowd says #DestinationX with the hashtag
- Kid Kash hasn’t evolved in ten years Borash, he just looks like a sadder version of Kid Rock
- Too much middle finger-ness Kash
- Heel Kash isn’t as much fun to watch as face Kash
- Wow, that was a little lackluster of a finish, but it works since he was tired
- Solid booking to let the mystery 8th guy try to go wire to wire though
- Cost: $2.75
Samoa Joe segment, Twitter segment
- The Joehawk is awful looking
- Nice retcon to Joe’s strategy, that’s a solid promo
- It’s also good to see that people talk about the standings
- Interesting Twitter graphic…
- Cost: $1.25
Match 3: Douglas Williams Vs. Kenny King
- Wow Borash with the NWA Wildiside reference!! Well played JB!
- Doug Williams has not stayed in shape at all
- This is a lot of awesome mat wrestling, both guys very charismatic
- The crowd is great so far
- Springboard blockbuster FTW!
- Another new kid getting a spotlight isn’t a bad thing
- TNA should sign King immediately
- Cost: $3.00
Daniels segment
- I can’t believe this shit has been going on for a year
- Daniels holding an appletini is pretty great though
- Cost: $0.50
Match 4: Sonjay Dutt Vs. Rashad Cameron
- Cameron already marketing himself, that’s good
- I hope Rashad knows that repeatedly mentioning Philly means nothing in Florida
- Crowd doesn’t seem to care about either guy here
- Even the announcers don’t seem to have anything to say about this match
- Sonjay is trying to fire the crowd up…
- It’s a shame the crowd doesn’t have anyone to really root for as this has been the best match so far
- Nice double foot stomp Sonjay
- Cost: $4.50
Jesse Sorensen segment
- Borash made a Ring Ka King reference….wow
- This may be harsh, but you couldn’t make Jesse’s mom look a little better
- I am not a fan of Sorensen, but I hope he does come back in a big bad way
- Jesse’s girlfriend is pretty hot
- The feud with him and Shiima when he comes back could potentially be feud of the year for TNA
- That was actually a really great promo, most I’ve ever cared about his character
- Holy fuck Shiima sell the shit out of that look….fucking awesome
- Cost: $3.50
Match 5: Shiima Vs. Flip Casanova
- “Did you see that?” Love you Shiima
- This is basically a squash match to put Shiima over as a heel and I’m totally fine with that
- Holy cow, a Gory Facebuster from Shiima, I love it
- Not the longest match but this is to put over Shiima
- Cost: $3.00
Roode segment
- Nice to see Roode interrupting the X Division guys
- Roode being against the entire X Division is a nice twist to his character
- Cost $1.00
Match 6: Samoa Joe Vs. Kurt Angle
- I like that both of these guys are going for submissions this time, no one seemed to really do that last year
- Joe does seem to care a bit more this time around
- These guys do seem to be going a little bit slower than normal though
- Awesome series of counters there
- I don’t think I could watch these guys wrestle over and over again, but once every couple of months wouldn’t be bad
- Nice to see the “passing out” finish here, doesn’t weaken Kurt at all
- Kurt may have gotten up a little quickly though
- Cost: $5.50
Match 7: Last Man Standing AJ Styles Vs. Daniels
- Go to see they are using traditional Last Man Standing rules now
- Uranage on the chair….ouchies
- I love when chairs get used in the non-traditional manner like that
- Wow dude in the front row is way too aggressive with his fingers
- This match is much better than the last time I paid for Daniels/AJ
- Nice adjustment to the AJ springboard
- Wow, lawn darted into the stairs, nice
- Hahahaha awesome human moment of the dude wiping the Daniels sweat off his hand
- We haven’t had a good fight on the stage in a long time
- I kinda wish AJ was doing the Pele off that ramp instead of the Inverted DDT
- Oh dammit Kaz…we didn’t need you in this
- Now see that was a Pele out of nowhere, nicely done
- Wow. Clash off the ramp. That shit was intense.
- I have to say…the old TNA would have missed the best angle on that spot
- Cost: $9.00
Aries segment
- If TNA is trying to turn Aries into the Punk of their company, I’m totally okay with that
- Cost: $0.75
Match 8: Ultimate X Match: Andrews Vs. Shiima Vs. King Vs. Sonjay
- Wow Shiima is totally the heel in this
- Eh this match already seems a little botchy…that’s unfortunate
- Oh man Sonjay’s shoulder looks fucked up
- It’s always interesting to see how these guys get taken off the ropes when they try to get the belt
- Second Ultimate X match where someone has been taken out, not a good sign
- Remember the old days in TNA when the belt would just randomly fall down?
- Joe had tweeted that Sonjay popped his shoulder back in, that’s insane
- Neckbreaker from the truss, holy fuck
- Wow, the classic hiding your hairspray in the truss gimmick!
- Mayhem bump!
- Shiima is now I’d say one of the biggest heels in TNA, at least the third or fourth heel right?
- Holy shit what a heel promo, awesome
- Cost: $6.50
Main Event package
- Very well done, WWE quality
- Cost: $1.00
Match 9: Robert Roode Vs. Austin Aries
- Roode shoving the ref, so awesome
- JB is doing an awesome job at putting over Roode right now
- Roode’s face during that handstand was classic
- I hate to say it, this match is a little slow early on
- Roode is dishing out some painfully slow offense here
- Nice to see the slaps waking Aries up
- Wow awesome roll out of the 450
- Nice to see the belt shot not even work
- Wow that kick right before the brainbuster was nasty
- I haven’t seen the Impact Zone get that insane in a while
- So awesome that Aries is the champ, just wish this was a little bit better match
- Cost: $5.00 (mostly for the result, not the match)
Doing some quick math, my totals come out to $48.55 sounds like a damn worthy PPV to me. The AJ/Daniels was really the standout match of the night though, even though Aries winning is huge for TNA.