Wrestling Mayhem Show 381: Feel Your Own Bang

On episode 381 of the Wrestling Mayhem Show, we have the knowledgeable cast of AJ (@ajfrompgh) @DJ Lunchbox (@djlunchbox), Eamon (@eamon2please), Hotwheelz (@hotwheelzrwa) and the dinker wrangler of the Wrestling Mayhem Show Mike Sorg (@sorgatron).
- Eamon interviews Ricky Starks. Follow him @starkmanjones. How did he get his start? Is his personality really him? Who would he like to wrestle in the future? How was his ROH experience? What was he thinking when he faced off with Ryback? What type of salad was that put in his face? Starks answers these questions and more!
- Who would you want for an All-Star Total Divas?
- The crew has trouble reading a viewer e-mail.
- What stipulation can make SummerSlam a bigger party?
- Total Divas talk! Did Daniel Bryan’s doggiepaddle make the show?
- We discuss the Wyatt family. Are they getting old?
- In the indy minute this week, Eamon talks about the serious injury B.J. Whitmer received at the show from a piledriver. August 9th St. Louis Anarchy Winning Time in Alton Illinois ( Featuring Darin Corbin vs. Arik Cannon, ACH vs Davey Vega, Davey Richards vs. Gary Jay).
- Big Time Wrestling has several shows coming up in the PA area. Shows will be in Altoona and Belle Vernon. Ric Flair and Matt Hardy will be featured.
- Does Sorg like to party? Hotwheelz talks about the upcoming RWA show.
- Remember When? We look back at some of Vince McMahon’s worst moments as a boss. Sorg made Trish bark like a dog. AJ talks about Vince’s feud with his daughter. Eamon talks about when Mr. McMahon said a bad word. Wheelz taks about all his “kiss my ass club” victims. DJ Lunchbox’s is when he disrespected religion during a tag match.
- Sorg talks about a Squared Circle Revue show. A last leg standing matche? Find out what that is!
- Check out CM Punk’s Grammar Slam!
- Kurt Angle was driving impaired again! The cast discusses his latest troubles.
- The cult of DDP.
- More Total Divas! The casts talks about who they like and dislike.
- Tito Ortiz is in TNA. How excited is the Mayhem crew?
- What did we learn from wrestling?
Make sure to check us out live at 9 PM on live.sorgatronmedia.com and follow us on Twitter @mayhemshow !
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