Mad Mike Reviews TNA: Holy Shit…this was actually really good
Greetings Mayhemmers, since I’m the guy who watches TNA the most as the main hosts on this show, but we never seem to talk about it (mainly because it sucks) I decided to at least use my journalistic integrity and live blog about it each week. This will be written live as I watch Impact, so enjoy!
Segment 1: Match 1: Aries Vs. Sabin Vs. Shiima
- Immediately this has my attention
- Sabin’s been in 15 Ultimate X matches? That’s insane
- These guys are insane and I love it, this is how you kick off a live show
- Way too short of a match but damn fun to watch
- Mr. Money’s Worth is the best nickname ever
Segment 2: Hogan/Aries segment, Park/Bully segment
- Hogan says he’s not deaf, but he’s been cupping his hand to his ears for decades
- That’s an interesting angle, for an Aries/Roode matchup…I like it
- Stop asking where Abyss is?
Segment 3: Match 2: TV Title Devon Vs. Hernandez, Dixie/AJ segment
- Hernandez started the match with a leaping senton, very nice
- Too bad, would have like to see Hernandez as champ
- So are AJ and Dixie are really fucking? This is awful
Segment 4: Match 3: Gauntlet Match
- First person in the BFG series is AJ, fine with that
- Jeff Hardy is second…that’s good too
- RVD is the third guy, that’s not too bad
- This isn’t a Gauntlet match…if they’re still coming out
Segment 5: Match cont
- Magnus and Bully Ray are both in…very cool with that
- I like Magnus a lot
- Angle is in this too and that’s good, but I don’t want him winning
Segment 6: Match cont, Roode segment
- Ew Robbie E is in this
- And Joe and Daniels are in this now…that’s not bad
- I just made Wrestlefan throw up in his mouth a bit by saying AJ and Angle can defend against Serge and Jarrett
- Oh no, the favorite James Storm is in this
- I really don’t wanna see a Roode/Storm match
Segment 7: AJ/Angle segment, Match 4: Madison Vs. Hooters, Brooke Hogan segment, Anderson segment
- Angle said they’re never losing the tag titles, that’s hilarious
- I love Maddy, really wish she had the belt
- Labia count: 3 Holy shit….I think I just saw a baby
- I noticed Earl wasn’t reffing this match…my theory stands
- Brooke has already mastered talking in circles just like her daddy
- Anderson…..it was four months ago…..stop mentioning the beer bottle, you’ve had 30,000 chances to avenge that
Segment 8: Match 5: Roode Vs. Anderson
- Anderson’s new haircut looks damned awful
- TNA’s long intros for their main events need to go
Segment 9: Match cont., AJ/Dixie segment
- Wow he’s bringing the crossface again
- This is a good match, but it doesn’t have me thinking Anderson is gonna win
- Wow, a submission victory for Roode awesome
- Just say it now Dixie, there’s a fucking camera on you
- Wow their mics echo off each other
Segment 10: Recap? Sting segment
- Why did we just recap the whole fucking show? Was that really necessary?
- Wow, the ninjas that attacked Samoa Joe are back!!!
TNH8 Scale
Logic: 4 Laganas out of 5
Wrestling: 4.5 Laganas out of 5
Overall: 8.5 Laganas out of 10