Mad Mike Reviews TNA: No Birthday Party For Serge :(
Greetings Mayhemmers, since I’m the guy who watches TNA the most as the main hosts on this show, but we never seem to talk about it (mainly because it sucks) I decided to at least use my journalistic integrity and live blog about it each week. This will be written live as I watch Impact, so enjoy!
Segment 1: Recap (cuz it was good…not crap), Hogan segment
- They really shouldn’t call it “the return of Open Fight Night” if they do it every month
- Female Gut Check participant? Interesting.
- Hogan doesn’t know what “go for broke” and “go for greatness” means
- Can we just call him Awesome Aries please?
- Nice to see they gave Roods a new entrance graphic
- I really don’t care about Anderson at all
Segment 2: Match 1:Anderson Vs. Daniels, AJ/Dixie segment
- James Storm should really just cause a DQ in every BFG Match and he’ll automatically be in the final four
- Seriously how is AJ, who is sleeping around on his wife, the face in this angle?
- 10 Minute time limit is a good idea for these matches
- And we just did this match to show off Daniels’ new shirt right? Right.
- Daniels isn’t the one wrecking the marriage…until we hear about the surprise party for Serge anyway
- Did Anderson bring his own ring rats?
- I’m tired of AJ/Dixie…I really am
Segment 3: Brooke segment, Match 2: Angle Vs. Robbie E, Gut Check package, Magnus walking
- They really need to stop these HD closeups on Brooke
- Isn’t ODB already half the Knockouts Tag Champs?
- Oh good they just said that
- Didn’t last week Brooke say that three girls were going to fight Hooters?
- So….ODB….who is tag champs with her husband is fine, but Madison who has a crush on someone isn’t? Oh fine then
- Wow….Robbie E might have been tapping the “Easy Button” for Angle there
- This chick has HUGE FUCKING EYES
- I kinda want Magnus to win the BFG Series
Segment 4: Match 3: Magnus Vs. “The Phenominal Homewrecker” AJ Styles
- God I hate this AJ/Dixie/Daniels/Kaz thing…please stop, it’s ruining otherwise good matches
Segment 5: Gut Check match
- This girl is TNA Ready, she has her hoodie already
- Well that was a quick match, but I like her
- I think she would help freshen up the Knockouts Division
- Pope…please slap Jeff, please please please….I’ll buy Elijah Burke gear I promise!!
Segment 6: Bully/Park segment, Match 4: Joe Vs. Storm
- If the BFG Series somehow led to an Aried/Bully match at BFG I’d totally be cool with that
- Nice to see that since Crimson lost his streak he’s essentially off TV
- Oh no…did Joe revert to his “losing every week” gimmick from last year’s BFG
Segment 7: Brooke segment, Match 5: Pope Vs. Bully
- Ah so they kicked out ODB for the same reason as Madison
- How is Bully going to get 10 points when he doesn’t use any submissions?
- Abyss coming out telegraphs that Bully isn’t going to win
- Brooke said last week it was gonna be four girls in the match…
Segment 8: Match 6: Hooters Vs. Mickie
- Labia count: 1
- Nice to see this will probably be the start of Mickie’s heel turn
- Wow girl in the front row in the Jets sweatshirt is not happy at all…
Segment 9: Match 7: RVD Vs. Hardy
- Neither of these guys seem high right now…this is a good match
- Holy tattoos Jeff
- 450 from RVD???
- Holy Twist of Fate bump
- Excellent match from those two!
Segment 10: AJ/Dixie bullshit
- Wrestlefan: So AJ Styles is married to CM Punk’s sister? WTF?
- So this entire thing was about protecting an addict?? What horseshit.
- Well at least this angle is finally done
- This was such a fun show until the end…just like last week
TNH8 Scale
Logic: 4.5 Laganas out of 5, except the last segment…that gets a 0
Wrestling: 5 Laganas out of 5
Overall: 9.5 Laganas out of 10
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So, just watched it. Impact went from reality TV to Jerry Springer?