Mad Mike Reviews TNA: Serge Did Get His Birtday Party!!! #JoeyRyan
Greetings Mayhemmers, since I’m the guy who watches TNA the most as the main hosts on this show, but we never seem to talk about it (mainly because it sucks) I decided to at least use my journalistic integrity and live blog about it each week. This will be written live as I watch Impact, so enjoy!
Segment 1: Recap, AJ/Dixie segment, Match 1: Anderson Vs. RVD
- They made the awful acting look a lot better than it was
- Oh my God…do we need to hear this Claire Lynch bitch all night? Really?
- Fifteen minute matches now? Guess that means they didn’t like the pacing last week
- They really should have shown the leaderboard before this match…
- Eh decent little match I guess, but it bothers me that the BFG Series allows for matches to end with non-finishers
- Okay, I’m going to guess that Robbie E with have single digit points at the end of the BFG series…anyone wanna take that bet?
Segment 2: A Double segment, Worst Actress in the World segment, Kaz/Daniels segment
- X-Division Title Tournament? Sounds good to me…is it wrong I wish it was all on the PPV?
- God Roode’s only had that belt for 7 months? It feels like years
- That’s not a good thing
- Is every promo with these two just going to end in a fight?
- I really want Aries to have the belt
- I’m assuming the parties at Dixie’s house are “key parties”
- So she just told the whole story….again, how much more does she need to say?
- So Kaz didn’t know either? Weird.
Segment 3: Match 2: Sonjay Dutt Vs. JIGSAW!!!!!
- And TNA…you really couldn’t just call him Jigsaw? You had to call him Rubix even though he clearly has puzzle pieces on his gear
- And apparently this is a qualifier for a four man tournament at Destination X, that’s awesome
- Aw. Poor Jigsaw. 🙁
- Awesome double foot stomp though
Segment 4: Gut Check bullshit
- I still hate this segment…like really badly
- I really hate this segment, it’s just bullshit talking in circles
Segment 5: Match 3: Bully Vs. Joe, More Claire bullshit, Kaz segment
- Typical big man match here
- Those chops sound like they hurt
- Bully is just gonna have every one of his matches interfered in isn’t he?
- Ugh another match with Joseph Park?
- If that was about a birthday party for Serge….why did he attack AJ?
- Ok so I still hate Kaz
Segment 6: Madison segment, Brooke segment, Match 4: Rashad Cameron Vs. Mason Andrews
- Hahahaahahahahahahahahaha, Madison doesn’t have a crush on Garrrrett….it fucking is Earl!!
- Hooters better not be the one replacing Morgan in those commercials
- We haven’t had a TV Title match this week, have we?
- Don’t know either of these guys, so I shall refer to them as Afro and Virgil
- How can Taz like Afro’s look but not Joey Ryan’s?
- I wish Jigsaw could have taken one of these guys spots
- Sweet leaping hurricanrana
- The Pay Dirt? Really? Okay…
Segment 7: Hogan segment, Gut Check decision, Angle segment
- Shouldn’t the big question be “Who?’ and not “Why?” with regards to Sting?
- Thank God, Jeff doesn’t have that stupid makeup on this week
- We don’t need to introduce the judges every week
- One of these weeks I’d love Bruce Pritchard to just say “Oh Yes!” like Brother Love
- Joey Ryan!! This is awesome
- I love the “live television” line, as if that wasn’t entirely planned
- Ugh they’re calling this promo, the “Kick Out” I get it…but really?
- In a company that employs Garetttt Bischoff, I don’t think they can call anyone “green”
- I still wonder if Gut Check is going to accept a heel, they need to do that once
- Styles Vs. Daniels in a Last Man Standing match? Me likey…just don’t say anyone is gonna kill anyone else again, mmmk?
Segment 8: Match 5: Kaz/Daniels Vs. AJ/Angle
- I like how after months of lying everyone is just so easily convinced that Kaz is pissed
- Kaz looks way too much like Randy Orton now
Segment 9: Match cont.
- If Kaz is so angry, why doesn’t he just walk out when he’s tagged in?
- He even used the RKO…stop it Kaz
- Of course Kaz is still heel…oy
- “I meant to say that” Well played Daniels
- Claire…please stop acting, like forever….please
TNH8 Scale
Logic: 3 Laganas out of 5
Wrestling: 4.5 Laganas out of 5
Overall: 7.5 Laganas out of 10