The Mayhemmys 2016 Voting is open!
This… is… The Mayhemmys!
The Wrestling Mayhem Show is taking a look back at 2015, and honoring the very best in professional wrestling.
You will decide this year’s winners in six categories. But first, let’s meet the nominees selected by our expert panel of industry insiders – announcer/producer Joe Dombrowski, professional wrestler Chris LeRusso and International Wrestling Cartel owner Justin Plummer.
Tags:Best Male Wrestler Best Tag Team brock lesnar bryce remsburg Cedric Alexander charlotte chris dejoseph dean ambrose dj zema ion dylan bostic Elimination Chamber 2015 Finn Balor Jesica James John Cena John Cena. Jay Lethal. Seth Rollins. Best Female Wrestler johnny gargano Kelly Kein kevin owens lucha underground Mary Elizabeth Monroe Match of the Year Non-Wrestling Personality nxt nxt takeover brooklyn paige paul heyman raymond rowe reDRagon Renee Young ring of honor roman reigns sasha banks seth rollins Sexy Talented Dudes stephanie mcmahon sugar dunkerton Survivor Series 2015 wrestle kingdom 9 wrestlemania 31 wyatt family young bucks
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[…] professional wrestler Chris LeRusso and International Wrestling Cartel owner Justin Plummer. Their nominees in the 8 categories were then put up for a public vote, with write-in candidates also being accept. The results were tallied, and here are your […]