Wrestling Mayhem Show 567: Worst Husband Ever
Joe Dombrowski returns to the show to talk a little bit about his upcoming Welterweight show! He is joined by our usual cast of characters, Sorg, Chad the Shad, Mad Mike, and Heel Larry for Wrestling Mayhem Show 567. Of course, we talked what’s happening in the world of wrestling this week, including:

- Joe Dombrowski is sharing his Cleveland project the Welterweight Wrestling show for Indy Mayhem, but he’s giving highlights.
- Larry is sharing his 3 Top Things in Wrestling this week!
- Dear WWE, cutting to commercial in the middle of a match usually kills its momentum.
- Joe is sharing his thoughts about WWE RAW and its polished finish as a TV production.
- Thank you Xyzal owl ads during Hardy Boys matches. #FuckThatOwl
- We’re talking about how big a thing wrestling is in the Middle East(ish) regions.
- We’re digging the drifter sightings with Elias Samson.
- We’re sharing our thoughts on the Superstar Shakeup and whether it’s been a good thing for the WWE products.
- Midgets plus Alexa Bliss – we’re totally booking a new wrestling show.
- The WWE RAW ring collapse was a thing. We have to talk about it, right?
- Speaking of a ring collapse, Joe is sharing a fun tale of one of his shows.
- It’s time for this week’s Big Question: What was the most memorable WWE RAW ending?
- Reminiscing Episode 1 where we discussed the Edge and Lita Rated R Superstar live sex celebration segment.
- We’ve got some great 205 Live discussion going.
- We’ve got some updates from Friend of theShow DJ Z.
- What did YOU learn in Wrestling this week?
Follow our stable on Twitter: Sorg (@Sorgatron), Joe Dombrowski (@joe_dombrowski), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883) , Larry (@MutilatorLarry), and Chad (@ChadTheShad)!
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
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