Wrestling Mayhem Show 605: The Return of Mayhem Mania
It’s a full house this week as we’ve got Sorg, Larry, Bobby, Mad Mike, Billy, and Mainstream Matt in studio. As a special treat, comedian Jaye Cooper joins us as we kick off Mayhem Mania! This week’s show is packed. We’re a few days removed from NXT Takeover, the Royal Rumble, and a host of other wrestling shows over the weekend – which means we have a TON to talk about:
- The worst thing for Sorg – when he can’t recognize local wrestlers in their street clothes.
- So much rumbling happened this weekend! We’re giving our thoughts.
- Royal Rumble appearance of Rey Mysterio confused us after watching the last season of Lucha Underground.
- We have mixed reviews of the return of The Hurricane from Royal Rumble.
- We’re crossing the wrestling streams because of NJPW, WWE, and IMPACT happenings and shuffles.
- We’re fans of all kinds of wrestling.
- OH: I met him one time at a funeral…
- Welcome to Wrestle Kingdom two years ago WWE fans.
- The Women’s Rumble exceeded many of our expectations.
- Sorg wants a Total Taker show with Undertaker and Michelle McCool.
- We’re following the #JacobsForMayor campaign, because Kane.
- Royal Rumble had matches other than rumbly things. Things happened.
- Braun Strowman teaching Alexa Bliss how to flip a car is the best thing ever.
- Mad Mike was in the same building as Ray Rowe, Ricochet, and EC3 this weekend.
- We’re rebranding Ricochet as Rick O’Shea so he can keep his name.
- Mad Mike and Larry are teaming up to take on War Machine for the Tag Titles.
- We’re talking some NXT Takeover and Johnny Wrestling.
- We’re talking some Kassius Ohno options with NXT.
- Holy $#!% Adam Cole match at NXTTakeover.
- As big a night Royal Rumble was for Japan, NXT Takeover was just as big for Cleveland.
- This week’s Big Question: Who left from IMPACT Wrestling do you want to see pop up in WWE?
- It’s Mayhem Mania time!
- What did YOU learn in wrestling this week?
- We learned collaboratively that Jaye Cooper thinks he can take on Ray Rowe. (For the record – we vehemently disagree.)
Fan of the show, Brandon Mynatt, will be a participant in the 2018 Special Olympics as part of the Team Missouri Bowling Team. (Donate at: http://give.somo.org/site/TR?px=1073149&fr_id=1190&pg=persona)
Follow our stable on Twitter: Jaye Cooper (@CoopTroopComedy), Sorg (@Sorgatron), Larry (@MutilatorLarry), Bobby (@BobbyFJtown), Mad Mike (@MadMike4883), Billy (@billyj64), and Mainstream Matt (@MainstreamMat)
If you are in Pittsburgh, you got to go to Slice on Broadway (@Pgh_Slice) and get their food! (sliceonbroadway.com)
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